Wednesday 9 December 2015

Lace design

I’ve started designing some lace for my veiling project based on fiction, starting with a reluctant bride. For my first veil I’ve decided to make a lace trim incorporating lettering within a Bedfordshire style design, much in the same way as I did for some of my net curtains. I need a short phrase that can be repeated within the length of the lace and have been considering ‘no, no, no’ or ‘I won’t, I won’t’ or in response to the part in the marriage service where the woman is asked ‘will you take this man’ etc. ‘No, no, no’ would be the easiest to incorporate in the lace and for the audience to read, although ‘I won’t’ seems more appropriate to the actual marriage service. ‘I won’t’ also seems a bit petulant while ‘No’ is more definite and easy for all nationalities to understand. Also I think the apostrophe might get a bit lost in a small lace design. I might therefore go with the ‘no, no, no’ idea. As you can see I’ve started designing the ninepin edging for the lace while I’m deciding which wording to incorporate. 

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